Friday, September 16, 2005

What ignites the mind?

Have you ever had something capture your imagination to the point of obsession? All you wanted to do was to understand that subject more, and talk to others that understand it or are a part of it.(For me, I continue to compile this list, and it goes 30 or 40 concepts or subjects deep, with the branching out of topics in each one of these being numerous).

How about the opposite? Have you ever really needed to do something, yet could not get any motivation to get it done, no matter how important it was? There are some things even within an interesting topic that I simply can't seam to accomplish.(managerial accounting, I would sit in class, understand the concepts, and so could not see the connection between understanding the subject and needing to do the homework. No amount of mental reasoning could force me to acknowledge this obvious point, that I really did need to do it.)

What am I talking about? There is a force, strong in people with adhd, that can cause ones imagination to be simply captured by a subject. At this moment in time for me, this is painting, and having an artists eye. Every where I look, I see things in a new way, with new eyes. Everything is about composition, lighting and shadows, negative space, bla bla ba.... you get the point. I feel as though I am on the verge of a major artistic breakthrough, and at any point an art critic will see my first painting(of which I have yet to complete) and will be enthralled with my grasp of color, and my innate sense of composition. Any of the subjects that have captured me like this(for it was not a willful action on my part, in most cases I was content to stay on the previous amazing idea), have been thoroughly engrossing, to the point of almost pushing out any and all of my former interests.

Concerning the inability to focus on a concept of no interest, this is also not a willful endeavor. I felt with these things, that no amount of cajoling could bring about the completion of the given task. I wondered if I was alone in these feelings, but countless times I have discussed this wall, or block, and have found each person that seams to exhibit adhd has had this problem.

more on these ideas to come. I will have to delve into some other issues to reconcile the problem I see with the mental attraction and mental blocks. I find the connection between seemingly opposite ideas interesting(why, I am not sure). But the fact that a new insight in one are can have extreme impact on others has always been intriguing to me. So as I develop a few of my others ideas, I think they will explain this idea further.

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