Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Weakness is strength

Know thyself. This is a good place to start. I used to think that I could accomplish absolutely anything and that it was natural to me to do this. I know this is optomistic, but it stems from reading some great books on learning, establishing daily habits, and not setting limits on yourself.

Yes I can do anything if I want to put alot of work into it, but not everything comes naturally to me, or would be easy. So what am I saying? I believe people with adhd are primmed to overcome new obstacles, be in environments where they are presented with new information, lots of stimlous, and tons of growth. We are good at learning. I may be good at learning accounting(which I am actually not at all) but to be an accountant would bore me to death. But I love learning the new concept and applying it to new things like the stock market, or predicting the next enron.

So know thyself. Know what you can and can't do. Use what you are able to do, your strengths, and apply those to the areas that need work. Work through strenghts to dimish weaknesses, or at least make them irrelivant. And as I am discovering, a strength is something that comes naturally. You might do it if you were never paid to, and probably do and don't(you do it, don't get paid for it).

I am not an highly internally motivated person. Once I have commited to doing something, then I am motivated by my commitment. But this is ok, really. I know that if someone were not there to tell me I needed to go to the doctor, clean my room, or change my oil, I would not really want to do it, and not only want, I would be incapable of doing many of these things without an external reminder. I am learning to impose these external reminders upon myslef, but that does not mean the condition does not exist. The degree I am willing to accept this about myself, the better I can get these simple tasks done in my life, and will be able to do the large and far reaching projects that I have the passion and dreams for.

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