Friday, March 02, 2007

Interesting Wiki Info

I have thought about the time to adoption of wikis quite a bit recently (all those sleepless nights now have meaning). How long does a good idea take to be implemented by a large group of people? Or at least a sub group of people in say, one company?

There are many questions that pop into my head. How is the technology or tool modeled?(both by the upper management, and by direct reports of each level in the company) Is it (the tool, wiki, hammer, toy) really as user friendly as everybody says it is(ma by user friendly needs to ask the question, who is the intended user?). So these are good questions, but I found a website that is trying to answer some of these.

I frequent the blog Wikinomics, and they featured a site(If you have not guessed yet, it is the screen shot above).

The site is called Wikipatterns and it is exactly the kind of website I am finding useful these days. I am hoping it answers some of the questions about implementing a wiki, but even if it is not helpfull for me, at least it can serve as a sort of knowledge repository for me to refer people to(I love not having to reinvent the wheele, or wiki, or sliced something or other).

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