Saturday, February 10, 2007

Resistance to Change

I am always surprised by someones resistance to change. I have chosen to continually grow and learn in my life, but I realize that not everyone has done this.

I only become aware of any difference when I talk about a great new "technology" or idea, like tags. If you are on the web at all, you are probably familar with using tags and how great they are. People that have not used them do not feel the same way.

"Why would anyone do something extra like typing in relivant keywords just so other people can search something better?" Well, I started to draw out supply and demand charts from my early econ days, then I thought about the effects of a public good or positive externalities, but all of these danced around the point.

Do unto others as you would do unto them. I now sound like I am preaching about technology. I think the point boils down to this, if you make something and you want people to see it, where will you put it? Lets say it is pottery. Would you put it in a closet? Or would you put it in a window? Even if that window was a litter farther away?

Tags are wonderful. I wish I could use them for real life objects, and organize my life by knowing what things I will need for school on a given day, and tagging them "school" and they magically fly into my backpack. That would be awesome!!!

But alas, that does not happen (yet!). Until then my digital life will remain dynamically organized by category and priority, while my room lies in dismal ruins (or organized by level of proximity from door to bed to floor, aka equally and evenly distributed between all three points in space).

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